On cooking and eating in Renton, WA.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dino's Pub

Dino's is a dingie local bar off NE 44th in Renton. The staff is friendly even if the service is slow.

There are three reasons to go to Dino's. The first two... $9.99 prime rib night on Wednesday. and $9.99 steak night on Thursday. In both cases a salad, baked potato with all the fixings and garlic bread come with your mean. The meat isn't always the best, but hey, your paying $9.99.

The third reason... It's not Denny's. There is a Denny's right behind Dino's. However unless it's 3am, and I'm very hungry, and no other place is open, I avoid Denny's.

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